Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy essays

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy essays Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, MSBP, also known as Factitious Syndrome by Proxy, is potentially a fatal form of child abuse. The American Psychiatric Associations DSM-IV describes MSBP as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy is a mental disorder in which a person falsely reports or causes symptoms to another person under his or her care. Falsely claim a child has experienced serious symptoms, such as seizures; Contaminate test results to make a child appear ill; Physically harm the child to produce symptoms. The victim will get better when separated from the perpetrator. The diagnose MSBP has a long history, a rocky future, and fuels disagreements among medical professionals and the public. MSBP is a mental disorder in which a person falsely reports or causes symptoms to another person under his/her chare. The caregiver almost always the mother and the victim; MSBP is considered a form of child abuse. Victims will generally undergo needless and painful medical test. They may become seriously ill, injured or die as a result of the actions of the caregiver. Most children who are victims of MSBP develop emotional problems that can last a lifetime. In 1794, at the age of 74 Baron Munchausen married a 17 year old. After the Baron had retired to bed, his bride continued to dance the night away with another man. Within a year, the new bride gave birth to a son. It was whispered that the Munchausen child would live only a short time. The child died before his first birthday under suspicious circumstances. Charcot, about a century later wrote about an unusual behavior pattern among young men. In 1877, these men would self-inflict injuries or falsify medical documents, attempting to gain hospitalization and treatment. Charcot called the condition mania operative passiva. In 1951, Richard Asher first used the term Munchausen Syndrome to describe a pattern of self-abuse, where indi...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Make Your Website Mobile Friendly Using PHP

How to Make Your Website Mobile Friendly Using PHP It is important to make your website accessible to all of your users. Although many people still access your website through their computer, a huge amount of people are also accessing your website from their phones and tablets. When you are programming your website it is important to keep these types of media in mind so that your site will work on these devices. PHP is all processed on the server, so by the time the code gets to the user, it is just HTML. So basically, the user requests a page of your website from your server, your server then runs all the PHP and sends the user the results of the PHP. The device never actually sees or has to do anything with the actual PHP code. This gives websites done in PHP an advantage over other languages that process on the user side, such as Flash. It has become popular to redirect users to mobile versions of your website. This is something that you can do with the htaccess file but you can also do with PHP. One way to do this is by using strpos() to look for the name of certain devices. Here is an example:    ?php$android strpos($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],Android);$bberry strpos($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],BlackBerry);$iphone strpos($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],iPhone);$ipod strpos($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],iPod);$webos strpos($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],webOS);if ($android || $bberry || $iphone || $ipod || $webos true) { header(Location: yoursite.com/mobile);}? If you chose to redirect your users to a mobile site, make sure you give the user  an easy way to access the full site.   Another thing to keep in mind is that if someone reaches your site from a search engine, they often arent going through your home page so they dont want to be redirected there. Instead, redirect them to the mobile version of the article from the SERP (search engine results page.)   Something of interest may be this CSS switcher script written in PHP. This allows the user to put on a different CSS template via a drop-down menu. This would allow you to offer the same content in different mobile-friendly versions, perhaps one for phones and another for tablets. This way the user would have the option to change to one of these templates, but would also have the option to keep the full version of the site if they prefer. One final consideration: Although PHP is good to use for websites that will be accessed by mobile users, people often combine PHP with other languages to make their sit do everything they want. Be careful when adding features that the new features wont make your site unusable by members of the mobile community. Happy programming!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategy in the Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Strategy in the Organization - Essay Example In the approach, the biological evolution’s law of the jungle is substituted by the market discipline. Another approach based on the business processes has emphasis on the stickiness and imperfection of human life. The strategy pragmatically accommodates strategies for the fallible processes, both for the markets and organizations. The final view is the systemic approach, which is in essence relativistic. The approach regards the means and ends of strategy as being inescapably connected with the powers and cultures of the social systems in the local setting where the strategy is implemented. The four strategic approaches, according to Whittington (2000), have fundamental differences emerging along two distinct dimensions. The first dimension is based on the outcomes of the strategy while the second dimension is based on the processes by which the strategies are made. In a nutshell, the two dimensions examine the purpose of the strategy and the processes involved in the impleme ntation of the strategy respectively. In the assumptions by evolutionary and classical approaches, the maximization of profits is viewed as the intended outcome of implementing a strategy. On the other hand, the processual and systemic approaches project a more pluralistic approach, viewing other outcomes that are possible from a strategy as much as the profits. Regarding processes, differences arise in the pairings. On the same front are the processualist and evolutionary approaches which view strategy as coming from processes arising by chance, conservatism and confusion. Similarly, theorists of systemic and classical approaches have converging views that strategy can be deliberate despite their differences over the outcomes from the two strategies. Taking a closer look at each of the four strategic approaches, the classical approach contains the textbook answers. This means, it views strategy as a process that is rational. It should, therefore, involve deliberate calculations and analyses strategically intended to maximize on the long-term advantage. In the classical approach, deliberate effort is made in the gathering of information and in the application of the most suitable techniques. In this view, both the organization and its environment are made plastic and predictable, shaped by the organization’s top management using carefully formulated plans. The classical approach relies on good planning in the mastering of the internal and external business environments. Success and failure in the long-run, is determined by the objective decision making and the rational analysis employed in the classical approach (Armstrong, 1991). On another strategic front, the evolutionary approach view the future-oriented planning adopted by the classical approach as irrelevant. According to the approach, the business environment is very unpredictable and implacable to anticipate anything effectively. According to the approach, the hostile, dynamic and competitive na ture of the markets means that it is not possible for organizations to plan for their long-term survival. In essence, only the firms that strategize to maximize on their profits will eventually survive the harsh environment. The businesses are likened to the species in biological evolution where the fittest organisms for survival are ruthlessly selected through competitive processes. The unfit organisms have little power to adopt to change quickly enough and therefore cascade towards extinction.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case Study Example Underlying pathology and admission to ED Mrs. S was admitted to the hospital post fall, from bed to floor, complaining of severe pain on her left leg. She got unable to stand or bend due to her left leg. From her past history, Mrs. S became placed on a five leads cardiac monitor and her blood samples got taken. Her chest, pelvis and left hip x-ray got organised. The results obtained indicated her chest x-ray as clear, but with complete dislocation of the femoral prosthesis from the acetabular cup. Multiple dislodge metallic wiring also got noted. She then got diagnosed as having a dislocated left prosthetic hip which was reduced by gentle traction in ED. Goals of treatment The goals of treating Mrs S dislocated left prosthetic hip got set as; relieving her from pain, help her hip joint work better, and improving her walking and other movements (Kneale & Davis, 2005). Like other patients who suffer from hip dislocation, Mrs S undergoes groin and hip pain. Her pain emanates from her co mplete dislocation of her femoral prostheses from the acetabular cup. The treatment intends to reduce and control the pain. It is vital that Mrs S got provided with pain medication. Once this goal becomes achieved, the patient can undergo the rest of the medication process in a relaxed state. Another aim of her treatment was to get Mrs S left prosthetic hip to work better. Through gentle traction, Mrs S left hip prostheses should get back to its anatomical position in the acetabular. Once this repositioning gets achieved, Mrs S hip would get back to perform its range of muscular movement operations. The treatment focuses on stretching and strengthening the muscles that surround the hip joint. This allows the hip to gain back its strength and motion. When repositioning of the dislocated left hip prosthesis gets achieved, Mrs S should get to improve her walking and other movements. The goal of the treatment is to allow Mrs S to participate in activities such as walking. Increasing the patient’s mobility will allow her to live a more fulfilling life. The aforementioned treatment goals for Mrs S got achieved through providence of pain medication and gentle traction (Kneale & Davis, 2005). After evaluation of her pain, Mrs S got administered with sufficient analgesia. While at the ED, the patient got administered with intravenous morphine to relieve her off her pain. To improve her mobility and relocate her dislocated prosthesis, gentle traction of the leg with mild sedation helped to achieve the goals (Valle, 2010). Role of technology The first technology employed in the treatment of Mrs S was the 5 lead cardiac monitor. The cardiac monitor got used as part of the patient’s physical examination tests (Marx et al, 2010). This monitor got used to test and check for problems with the electrical activity of the patient’s heart. This monitor translates the hearts electrical activity into waves on a paper. The 5 lead cardiac monitor got used in the treatment of the patient to check if her heart’s electrical activity was okay. The monitor helps to indicate whether the electrical impulse within the heart gets conducted normally. The use of X ray technology on Mrs S’s chest, pelvis and left hip assists to provide the internal structure of these parts of the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Gabriel Oak Essay Example for Free

Gabriel Oak Essay The minor character in the novel, such as the farm labourers and Bathshebas maids, although appearing to be insignificant and unimportant actually have influential and crucial roles to play in the novel. They provide the story with many aspects which help move the plot forward whilst bringing authenticity, humour and personal views to the tale. Undeniably the most important minor character is Liddy, she provides the reader with large amounts of valuable information concerning the personalities of Bathsheba from the conversations they hold. This is mainly due to the close relationship between the two, Liddy being Bathshebas maid. As a result, the characteristics of the latter are shown, not through narration which would be too crude and observable for Hardys style, but through conversations between the two. By using this method Hardy can exercise his trademark subtlety and let the audience come to their own conclusions concerning Bathsheba, that of which Hardy originally intended. A good example of this technique where by using Liddy as a medium in which the characteristics of Bathsheba are fed to the reader is at the beginning of the novel where we first come into contact with Bathshebas excessive vanity. The following quote was from a conversation between the two women on the subject of Oaks proposal: HHHHHHHHHHHHsad A man wanted to once, she said, in a highly experienced voice How nice it must seem! said Liddy, with the fixed features of mental realization. And you wouldnt have him? He wasnt quite good enough for me. Although Liddys main role is to provide the reader with the characteristics of Bathsheba, she has also serves the purpose of moving the plot along. In fact, one of the most essential developments in the story was sparked by a comment from Liddy, the decision to send Boldwood the Valentine card which later lead to his complete psychological breakdown: What fun it would be to send it to the stupid old Boldwood, and how he would wonder! said the irrepressible Liddy. Besides Liddy there are also many other minor characters that play important and influential roles in providing the story with the ingredients that contribute to making the whole book an attractive read. One of the most major roles that they play is their comments on the main characters and actions which take place. This was Hardys method of relaying information that have not been directly covered in the narration to the readers. The mindless chat of the labourers and maids provide us with essential gossip on the actions of the main characters but also they provide the audience their own views on the subject in hand. By giving the reader views from characters in the book, Hardy knew that this would inspire our own thinking upon the subject and they for us to form our own judgements. From those judgements, the majority of the reader will come to the same conclusion, that of which Hardy originally intended. Due to the predictions that the reader will be subconsciously making whilst all this information is relayed to them it creates an air of suspense as one waits to see if their prediction was correct. An example of this can be seen when Gabriel Oak first arrives in Weatherbury and is told about the story of the stealing balif by the rustics: As to shepherd, there, Im sure misess ought to have made ye her baily-such a fitting man fort as you be. This comment by Joseph Poorgrass makes the reader wonder if Bathsheba will indeed employ Oak as her balif. And automatically the audience moves to the question of whether Oak and Bathsheba will actually develop a relationship should Oak work for her. This is Hardys technique of ensuring interest from the audience, by using the comments of the rustics he is able to create curiosity and suspense in the story. Another example of Hardys style of parallels of what is to happen comes from a conversation Liddy and Boldwood hold after the town hears of the death of Troy: My mistress certainly did once say, though not seriously, that she supposed she might marry again at the end of seven years from last year. Reading this remark once again sparks the interest of the readers drawing them to the question: will Bathsheba marry again at the end of the seven years and if so who? Boldwood or Oak? However, despite the subtle intention of drawing attention from the readers the rustics also have a more basic objective of providing the reader of more understanding of the characters and the events. Especially, we learn more detail regarding the past of the main characters which gives us a more comprehensive understanding of the saga as a whole. In addition, from this knowledge more accurate pre conceptions are made and leads back to the point I suggested previously on the topic of drawing interest. We learn that Boldwood has had madness in his family and therefore gain a more perceptive insight into Boldwoods passion and obsession: Oh Coggan, said Troy, as if inspired by a recollection, do you know if insanity has ever appeared in Mr.Boldwoods family? Jan reflected for a moment.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Analysis of Faulkner Short Stories Essay -- essays papers

Analysis of Faulkner Short Stories Response to the Faulkner Short Stories In each of these stories, Faulkner communicates to the reader through very strange characters. In â€Å"Was†, we hear of a story that basically stems around a runaway slave. The two Uncles are very stereotypical. The other owner was also very stereotypical. Basically, in this story, the white men are trying to apprehend a slave that has run off to see his girl. However, the story then progresses into a standoff between the white owners. They bet each other on very arbitrary matters until finally, though the previous bets did hold some weight, the men turn to a deck of cards to settle their disputes. The ironic aspect of all of this is that they end up betting on the lives of the slaves. So, in order to prove their superiority over each other, they use their slaves as leverage. This was one of the times I felt that Faulkner was trying to illustrate the fact that these people seemed hopelessly lost in the old Southern way. What was also very interesting though is that they se emed to treat the slaves fairly humanely. First of all, if a slave had run off in early times, they probably would have beaten him or killed him. Here though, it is a kind of game. It’s a race to see who can get him first. Faulkner also throws into the story the woman who seems to be in love with one of the uncles. This too, was very clever because the new â€Å"southern Belle† was also being communicated to the reader. The Uncles though, are bachelors, perhaps signifying the dying southern gentleman, who is unable to deal with his past, and who will lead his genre of people to extinction. All in all, I liked this story. I didn’t see Faulkner as a racist and I didn’t see any of his charact... ...However, this doesn’t deter Faulkner from writing very complex stories that reflect his literary prowess. Most of his characters can hardly speak correct English, and yet, his pieces are filled with words that even I have trouble discerning meaning from. In particular, Rider’s character is very blue collar. Faulkner communicates this to us in many ways, but has no trouble throwing in phrases like â€Å"the junctureless backloop of times trepan†. This occurs throughout all of these stories. It is like the characters are very natural, they know the environment, the have the skills to hunt, they work hard, and they love each other. But these ideas are contrasted by his writing style and complexity and really blend nicely to create very good pieces of literature. It was just one thing that caught my eye in reading these pieces and I am very envious of this skill he possesses.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Technical Writing Examples Essay

Technical writing refers to a type of writing where the author outlines the details and operations of administrative, technical, mechanical, or scientific systems. The main goal of technical writing is to educate, direct, and give others the ability to use a certain system. Types of Technical Writing There are three main types of technical writing: End-user documentation: This type of writing includes documents where the writer explains a topic to a novice so that they can understand technical terms and apply them in a real-life situation. Traditional technical writing: This is writing that is geared to an audience already at least somewhat familiar with a technical field such as engineering or politics. Technological marketing communications: This is writing used in promotional marketing such as fliers and promotional brochures that would entice a person to purchase a certain product or service. Examples of technical writing can be found in each of these different types of technical writing. Uses for Technical Writing End-User Documentation Examples of end-user documentation might include: â€Å"Blackberry for Dummies† – that teaches you how to use your new cellular phone and that is written in order to cater to someone who has never before used a cell phone or who is not a cell phone expert A manual that comes with a computer A manual that comes with a video game system, such as thePS3 users guide Traditional Technical Writing Examples of traditional technical writing might include: A whitepaper published in an engineering journal about a new system that has been devised An article published in a law review that caters to lawyers An article in a medical journal summarizing an experiment that has been conducted and written to a medical audience. For example, articles published in the New England Journal of Medicine would fall into this category Technical Marketing Communication These might include: A promotional ad outlining why you would want to purchase a new computer and explaining the features of that computer A promotional ad explaining why you would want to purchase a new cell phone, outlining the phone’s features A promotional ad explaining why you would want to purchase a new mp3 player and outlining the phone’s features, such as an ad for the Creative Zen Mozaic Mp3 player Successful Technical Writing When carrying out a technical writing assignment, you must remember to follow what is known as the three ‘Cs’ and ask yourself the following questions: Is it clear? Is it concise? Is it complete? Because technical writing is so often aimed towards those who may be unfamiliar with technical jargon and terminology, it is important that a technical writer uses clear and unambiguous language in their assigned piece. If the writing is too full of technical language, the message may not come across as intended. If the information being written about is provided in a convoluted and round-about way, the message is likely to be lost entirely. Straight forward and to the point is always best. If a technical writer’s information is incomplete, it inhibits the audience’s understanding of the topic and can, in some cases such as instruction and safety manuals, prove dangerous. Above all, technical writing needs to be very clear and concise to be successful. Examples of Technical Writing Assignments Technical writing is writing that is done for the purpose of educating, informing or directing someone on how to do something. Technical writing is significantly different than other types of writing such as narrative, because technical writing is intended to impart to the reader some specific skill or ability. Technical writing isn’t for everyone. It is often very detail-oriented and usually involves writing within fields where some advanced knowledge is required. When given a technical writing assignment, it also must be approached in a certain way in order for you to be successful. Forms of Technical Writing Technical writing assignments normally take one of three forms: End user documentation Traditional technical writing Technological marketing communications End User Documentation Writing a manual that accompanies a cell phone Writing a manual teaching home computer uses how to set up a basic home networking system Writing a how-to guide for using laptops Traditional Technical Writing Writing an analysis of a legal case for other lawyers Writing up a summary of a series of medical experiments to be published in a journal of medicine Writing an article for a trade publication Technological Marketing Communications Writing a sales pitch to a new potential client about a new type of computer hardware or software Writing informative articles for the web that show businesses that using a particular IT consulting service can save them money Types of Technical   Writing Assignments Technical writing is used in a large variety of fields such as engineering, computer hardware and software, chemistry, and biotechnology. You can also find everyday examples of technical writing in owner’s manuals, employee handbooks, and in articles on the web. Some examples of technical writing assignments include: Training manuals Operations guides Promotional brochures Online articles Training Manuals A technical writer may be assigned to compile information for a company or job training manual. In the manual, the writer may be required to outline: General information Company policies Standard operating procedures Duties required to be fulfilled by a given position Training manuals and other company documents can usually be categorized as end-user documentation. Operations Guides When a writer is asked to write an operations guide, they are expected to have a working knowledge of the topic or area about which they are writing. It is important that they keep in mind that the people who will be using their guide will likely be a beginner and will therefore need detailed and concise instructions for the subject that is being covered. This could refer to any of the following types of guides: Assembly instructions Installation guides Owner’s manuals Computer software guides Engineering guides Operations guides typically fall under the traditional technical writing category, but, in some cases, could also be considered end-user documentation. Promotional Brochures A technical writer who writes promotional brochures and other technological marketing pieces will be required to not only inform a potential customer of the offer being made, but to entice them to want to avail of it through the use of key phrases and words. Online Articles Another type of technical writing is found in online articles. There is a wealth of information available on the Internet. Millions of people browse search engines and read through articles they find for instructions, guides, and to understand different things. Technical writing, in this case, could vary from articles on how to assemble a crib to articles with detailed medical advice or historical information. This area of technical writing can fall into any of the three categories of technical writing. Finding Technical Writing Work As you can see, there are many different types of technical writing assignments. If you are interested in becoming a technical writer, you should consider working on both your writing skills and brushing up on your  knowledge in your particular field in order to find the best possible opportunities. Technical Writing Examples The field of technical writing offers a lucrative career opportunity for those who are skilled in communications. Individuals enter the profession from different backgrounds and for different reasons. Some have pursued a career in writing and found a knack for communicating complex material. Others have held technical positions and made the transition into writing specifically about their areas of expertise. What all of these professionals have in common is the ability to write about technical information in a way that their intended audience can understand and use easily. It’s a unique skill set, and one that you can learn to develop if you are considering entering the field. A good place to start is a brief online course introducing technical writing and covering the fundamentals of the discipline. If you would like to take a deeper dive, you can also find a comprehensive online course on technical writing and editing. To give you a picture of the kinds of materials technica l writers typically produce, here are some examples and some specific considerations for each: End-user documentation Many products require written explanations and instructions in order for users to understand and operate them effectively. In fact, these can be such an important element of the final package that they are often considered part of the product itself. After all, what good is a feature of a software program if you don’t know how to use it? And how do you compare that software next to one that does a better job explaining the available features? It is critical for a technical writer working in this area to write as clearly and concisely as possible, using layman’s terms and defining any required technical terminology. If you need some polish to write with a good, easily understandable style, you might benefit from a course in writing quality paragraphs and essays to get started. The output for a given product can take a variety of forms, including the following: Product manuals Often, a product will come packaged with hard-copy documentation explaining its features in detail. Increasingly, for complex products, such as software, these are becoming more rare. Instead of including in depth material, software will often include a slim guide to get users up an running. The more in depth material will then be left for third-party experts publishing on the subject or user help tools available either in the software or online. Assembly guides Technical writing includes step-by-step assembly instructions, which need to be carefully crafted to ensure that the end-user can complete the steps safely and accurately. Quickstart guides As mentioned in reference to software, products sometimes include a brief introductory guide to get a user started on working with its features. These documents do not include comprehensive information covering all elements. Instead they focus on clear and concise directions for getting the user started. These are sometimes included in addition to a more comprehensive user manual, a practice commonly seen with cell phones and smart phones. User help functions Much of technical writing for end-user software documentation takes place electronically. Technical writers build interactive guides where users can look for information specifically related to a question they have about a product. This helps them troubleshoot as they encounter obstacles in using the software. It also gives them the option of reading through the guide for a more comprehensive understanding. Technical books Again, often related to software products, and with certain kinds of hardware, third-party authors often write full length guides to help users thoroughly learn the ins and outs. If this is a goal for you as you set out into the technical writing field, you might get a headstart in a course on writing a how-to book. Traditional technical writing In the case of product documentation, the writing goal is most often to inform a non-expert audience. The dynamic is very different in traditional  technical writing. In this situation, the technical writer is creating content for an audience of experts. Here are some examples of deliverables in this category: Scientific and medical papers Practicing research scientists and medical researchers often work with technical writers to complete write-ups on their studies, which will ultimately be published in journals. Other practitioners will review this information to understand the latest findings and procedures, so the material needs to reinforce the credibility of the research and accurately reflect the details of the work. Reviews and reports Outside of the scientific community, technical writers work in and number of fields to communicate between professionals. This can include, for instance, legal case reviews, technical diagrams and schematics, and sometimes correspondence related to technical material (briefings, memos, etc.) Marketing content of a technical nature While the field may sound as though its material is as objective as possible and strictly for informing audiences, technical writers also engage in persuasive content development, often working in connection with marketing and sales teams. To persuade, after all, content often needs to be precise and credible, so technical writing easily fits in. If you need to work on the persuasive elements of your writing, you can take an online course that will teach you to enhance your techniques in persuasion. Meanwhile, here are some examples of writing you might take on within this category: White papers A long-form marketing project, white papers are designed to thoroughly investigate a topic that presents a problem for a specific audience. These reports will recommend a solution that highlights a company’s products. Case studies Technical writers are often involved in expounding on details of a specific account and how they successfully met a business goal or overcame a challenge working with a company’s product. Brochures Often, technical writers are called on for product brochures or online descriptions that go in to a deeper level of detail about how a product functions. Proposals Many business to business sales efforts involve a formal proposal process wherein the proposer must draw out plans and specifications for a solution in detail. Technical writers often work as part of a team to handle the more technical aspects of this writing. As you can see, the field of technical writing is broad and diverse. There are many opportunities within it for a writer who is good at working with complex information. Explore these examples and other options available, and find the area of technical writing that is best for you. What is Literary Writing? By John Oldcastle The term ‘literary writing’ calls to mind works by writers such as Shakespeare, Milton, or Wordsworth; definitive examples of all that the term implies. We instinctively associate the term with characteristics such as artistic merit, creative genius, and the expression of mankind’s noblest qualities. In this essay I will explore some of the characteristics of this kind of writing. Literary works are primarily distinguishable from other pieces of writing by their creative, or artistic intent. A piece of literature differs from a specialised treatises on astronomy, political economy, philosophy, or even history, in part because it appeals, not to a particular class of readers only, but to men and women; and in part because, while the object of the treatise is simply to impart knowledge, one ideal end of the piece of literature, whether it also imparts knowledge or not, is to yield aesthetic satisfaction by the manner of which it handles its theme. [1] The writer of this passage emphasises the distinction between writing of didactic purpose and literary writing which has that other, aesthetic, dimension. In fundamental terms literature is ‘an expression of life through the medium of language’ [2], but language used more profoundly than when used simply to convey information. The following two extracts, for example, both describing one partner’s response to marital problems, are different in both their form and their intent: Many critics date the crumbling of their  marriage back to that unfortunate episode, but David was delighted when he heard that Lynne had produced a daughter from her marriage to an American doctor. And  Her writing hand stopped. She sat still for a moment; then she slowly turned in her chair and rested her elbow on its curved back. Her face, disfigured by her emotion, was not a pretty sight as she stared at my legs and said . . [3] The first piece, from a newspaper, gives a typical tabloid account of a broken marriage. It plainly states the position of the two parties involved, (but with an attitude akin to ‘gossip’). The tone of the second piece is less factual and more descriptive. Here the writer is sets out to depict a particular scene, that of a woman distressed by the discovery of some unsavoury information concerning her husband, and employs such devices as the use of emotive words, such as ‘disfigured’, the gradual increase of dramatic tension, ‘slowly turned in her chair’, and then in the last line a humorous deflation of this tension, ‘her face . . . was not a pretty sight’. The author shows a mixture of intentions here, the structure and the use of language showing a different approach and purpose to the first piece’s straightforward account of the everyday world. In contrast to such a plain factual account – Literature is a vital record of what men have seen in life; what they have experienced of it, what they have thought and felt about those aspects of it which have the most immediate and enduring interest for all of us. [4] So literary writing, having creative and artistic intent, is more carefully structured and uses words for the rhetorical effect of their flow, their sound, and their emotive and descriptive qualities. Literary writers can also employ tone, rhyme, rhythm, irony, dialogue and its variations such as dialects and slang, and a host of other devices in the construction of a particular prose work, poem, or play. All fiction is a kind of magic and trickery, a confidence trick, trying to make people believe something is true that isn’t. And the novelist, in a particular, is trying to convince the reader that he is seeing society as a whole. [5] Literary writing is, in essence, a ‘response’, a subjective personal view which the writer expresses through his themes, ideas, thoughts, reminiscences, using his armoury of words to try to evoke, or provoke, a response in his reader. . . . it is not only a question of the  artist looking into himself but also the of his looking i nto others with the experience he has of himself. He writes with sympathy because he feels that the other man is like him. [6] In Welsh Hill Country, R. S. Thomas conveys his response to a landscape: Too far for you to see The fluke and the foot-rot and the fat maggot Gnawing the skin from the small bones, The sheep are grazing at Bwlch-y-Fedwen, Arranged romantically in the usual manner On a bleak background of bald stone. [7] Here the powerful evocation of desolation, of the stark brutality, even indifference, of the countryside is captured by Thomas through a pointed use of language which also conveys his grim mood. In contrast, Keat’s To Autumn conveys a soft, sensuous depiction of this season which captured his imagination: Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run; [8] Both these extracts show a creative, imaginative response to a particular scene, and show contrasting ways in which a poet can use diction to capture his mood and provoke a reaction in the reader. Devices such as rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, and assonance combine to form a structure of mood, a structure recognisably literary. . . . apart from the precise mixture of certainty and hesitation in the poet’s mind, one of the sovereign gestures of art is to make the ideal real, and to project a dim impersonal awareness onto a structure of definite invention. [9] Literature is a process of communication, it ‘helps us to understand life’. [10] Perhaps we should also consider the motivation of the writer as a factor which distinguishes literary from other forms of writing. The writer’s motivation is the energy that pulls together the strands of his creativity in the shaping of the finished work. Ernest Hemingway gives his reasons for writing: From things that had happened and from things as they exist and from all things that you know and all those you cannot know, you make something  through your invention that is not a representation but a whole new thing truer than anything true and alive, and if you make it well enough, you give it immortality. That is why you write and for no other reason that you know of. [11] Georges Simenon puts forward the idea of therapeutic value, a search for self: I think that if a man has the urge to be an artist, it is because he needs to find himself. Every writer has to find himself through his characters, through all his writing. [12] Philip Larkin gives his reasons for writing poems as a need ‘to preserve things I have seen/thought/felt (if I may so indicate a composite and complex experience) both for myself and for others’. Here, in The Whitsun Weddings, his motive was to capture his response to a view seen from a train: As if out on the end of an event Waving goodbye To something that survived it. Struck, I leant More promptly out next time, more curiously, And saw it all again in different terms: The fathers with broad belts under their suits And seamy foreheads; mothers loud and fat; An uncle shouting smut; and then the perms, [13] The main impetus behind Edward Thomas’s No One So Much as You, is to describe his experience of love: No one so much as you Loves this my clay, Or would lament as you Its dying day [14] While the motive behind Andrew Young’s, On the Prospect of Death, is self-evident. If it should come to this You cannot wake me with a kiss Think I but sleep too late Or once again keep a cold angry state [15] Personal motivation is an essential characteristic of literary writing. It is the engine behind creativity, and the last two extracts provide examples of some of the great themes which occur again and again, not only in literary writing, but in all the arts; love, death, war, and peace. Such themes, it seems, provide perennial inspiration for artists. So perhaps an inventory of  literary writers’ motives should include the overflowing of their passions, their desire for self-expression, an abiding fascination with humanity in all its variety, the need to come to grips with relationships as they really are in the world as it really is, the striving after an ideal world which can exist only in the imagination, and, perhaps at the heart of it all, the need to form, shape, things of beauty. The artist needs to resolve conflicts within himself, to reach an understanding, to search for some credible meaning of to life, to death, to everything. He is always reaching, fumbling towar d some sort of truth; an artistic creative truth, a truth that resides in the individual artist and needs to be grasped, made real, made understandable. Perhaps in some cases the artist’s motivation could be seen as a need to create other worlds, in the way that Milton and Tolkien created other worlds, in order that they can project real conflicts onto another plane. The many different genres of the novel constitute a particular challenge to the concept of ‘literary writing’. Detective novels, and science fiction novels, for example, are creative, imaginative, depictions of life. We might question their seriousness as literature, or whether they can achieve the high ideals of art, but then we might equally well question the meaning of ‘seriousness’, and ‘the high ideals of art’. Popular novels may not deal with life’s great conflicts, or search for truth and beauty, and they may deal with the seamier side of life, or escape into the fantastic, but can they still be considered ‘literature’? Do they still make an important contribution to our understanding of the world, as ‘real’ literature does? Obviously ‘literary’ works such as Tolstoy’s War and Peace and Proust’s Remembrance of Things Pasttake as a nucleus an event, an aspect of life and construct a world around that core. They are works about real people, engaged in the real business of living. They convey knowledge, understanding, experience and are hence considered important. Yet they have in common with the detective and science fiction novel that they are books, consisting of words that have been used to express something, words that may or may not be read, and may or may not succeed in conveying an understanding of the world they depict. In my view it comes down to subjective value judgements. I believe literature is a ‘broad church’ which ought to be able to deal with any subject, and that ultimately it is individual readers, or readers en masse, who decide on the value of any particular work and on  whether or not it deserves a place in the annals of literary history. Writers aim to show us ‘the world’, but no single writer can do this, and ‘literature’ should encompass numerous different kinds of writer because each is trying to show us something which cannot be shown as a whole. Each, whether a Tolstoy or a Raymond Chandler, can only give us his own small fragment of understanding. Ultimately it is those works which endure that should be considered ‘literature’, those which have succeeded in holding firm a fragment of life, to be seen, to be read, to be understood. Perhaps we should let a writer have the last word on summing up the writers’ art: The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by a rtificial means and hold it fixed, so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it, it moves again since it is life. Since man is mortal, the only immortality possible for him is to leave something behind him that is immortal since it will always move. This is the artist’s way of scribbling ‘Kilroy was here’ on the wall of the final and irrevocable oblivion through which he must someday pass. [16] In conclusion, literary writing does embody certain distinguishing characteristics. It is a self-conscious, imaginative mode of writing which uses words not just to convey information, but as an art form. Ultimately it is a response to life. Personally, passages of outstanding literary writing such as the following, convince me that words are the highest form of expression available to mankind: CLAUDIO: Ay, but to die, and go we know not where; To lie in cold obstruction, and to rot; This sensible warm motion to become A kneaded clod; and the delighted spirit To bathe in fiery floods or to reside In thrilling region of thick-ribbed ice; To be imprisons’ in the viewless winds, And blown with restless violence round about The pendent world. Example Literary Analysis Society Suppresses Mankind’s Evil Nature The idea that mankind is inherently evil and needs society to become good is a prominent theme throughout William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies. Three of the characters that best exemplify this theme are Jack, Roger, and Ralph. Jack starts out good, but as his freedom from society grows, he becomes more and more evil. Roger, although not perfect at the beginning, becomes increasingly violent, as he puts society’s beliefs and morals out of his mind. Ralph remains good throughout the whole book but only by holding on to society and the one thing that can get him back, the signal fire. By having Jack and Roger, who have chosen to disregard the ways of society, become far more violent and evil, and by having Ralph, who still has a strong connection to society, remain good throughout the novel, Golding expresses that man is born evil and needs society to make him good.Jack demonstrates that he is truly evil many times throughout the book as his connection to society beco mes weaker. When Jack and the rest of the boys first arrive on the island, they are mostly good because the expectations of society are still very fresh in their minds. They elect Ralph as chief, and Jack does not complain too much because he assumes that some adult would get mad at him for doing so, even though there are none on the island. In other words, Jack is used to having adults around who would scold him for arguing, so he lets it slide. As the days go by, Jack’s realization grows that there is no one who can tell him what to do. When this idea fully hits Jack, he questions Ralph’s right to lead by saying, â€Å"He isn’t a proper chief†¦ He’s a coward himself† (126). Jack feels very powerful because of this realization that no one can tell him what to do, and as a result, accuses Ralph of being a bad leader and then leaves the group. Jack goes and lives on the other side of the island with some of his hunters where he maliciously kills pigs all the time. He understands no one can tell him right from wrong and so he creates a savage tribe, which almost all of the boys join. Jack is chief and is in tota l control of the tribe. He hosts terrifying feasts in which they eat pig, that they mercilessly killed, and chants things such as â€Å"Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!† (182), as they reenact the killing  of the pig, pretending to kill one another. The fact that no one challenges Jack and his tribe’s horrible ways fuels Jack to do even more to show his power. By the end of the book Jack is at his most evil state when he orders his tribe to kill Ralph without a second thought. The twins, Sam and Eric, who were forced to become one of Jack’s savages, describe what Jack said to the tribe to Ralph: â€Å"And Ralph, Jack, the chief, says it will be dangerous ––– and we’ve got to be careful and throw our spears like at a pig† (188-189). Jack orders the tribe to kill Ralph, pretending that Ralph is a threat so that the tribe can justify its actions. By having Jack say that the tribe has to â€Å"throw our spears like at a pig†, Golding illustrates, that Jack is dehumanizing Ralph, so that the tribe will not be hesitant to kill Ralph. Jack starts out as any other kid on the island, happy, enthusiastic, and excited for the adventure that awaits them. However, Jack is one of the fir st kids to stop following society’s morals and standards, and as a result, thinks that he can do whatever he wants, even if it is obviously wrong. Because Jack stops following society’s ways, Golding implies that he reverts back to what he was born as, an evil human being.Because Roger no longer has society to suppress his evil nature, he turns extremely violent on the island. Initially, Roger’s life is still heavily influenced by society, and therefore he does not do anything morally wrong. Roger starts to feel a bit more powerful, as his connection to society weakens, but it is still strong enough to keep him from doing anything that harms others. Roger, having nothing better to do, â€Å"gathered a handful of stones and began to throw them† (62) at a younger kid named Henry. Roger does not aim to hit him, however, because â€Å"there was a space around Henry, perhaps six yards in diameter, into which he dare not throw. Here, invisible yet strong, was the taboo of the old life† (62). The phrase â€Å"the taboo of the old life† is referring to the taboo established by society that one can not harm another for no good reason. Although Roger understands that he is free from society, he cannot throw to hit Henry because the society, and therefore the taboo, is still a part of him, even if he does not realize it. If he were to hit Henry with a rock, no one would be there to scold him, but because society is so fresh in his mind, Roger feels as if he would get in trouble and, therefore, purposely misses. Roger becomes progressively violent and evil, as he gives up on society, and when he joins Jack’s tribe, he loses what  little morality he has left. When Ralph, Piggy, and the twins come to the tribe to demand Piggy’s specs back, Roger starts â€Å"throwing stones† (180) and â€Å"dropping them† (180), with â€Å"his one hand still on the lever† (180). Roger is contemplating whether or not to pull a lever that would allow a boulder to roll down the hill and, most likely, kill them. Roger is deciding if he should let them live or if he should release the boulder, and take their lives. In the end, Roger, bearing none of society’s morals or beliefs anymore, â€Å"leaned all his weight on the lever† (180), releasing the boulder and killing Piggy. Because no one punishes Roger, he continues being a horrible, violent human being and becomes the tribe’s torturer. Through losing his connection to society over the course of the novel, and as a result, becoming more and more evil, Roger illustrates how society can contain a person’s evil inner nature.Ralph remains good throughout the novel by using the signal fire as a strong link between him and society and, therefore, a link to Ralph’s goodness. Ralph is elected as chief and immediately starts to set some ground rules and stresses how important it is to get off the island by saying, â€Å"We can help them find us †¦ We must make a fire† (38). Ralph, a smart leader, knows that the most important thing is to get rescued from the island, and that a signal fire will help them achieve that goal. Later on in the book, when Jack starts to turn evil and is questioning Ralph’s leadership, Ralph continues to stand by his morals and beliefs that he still retains from society. Ralph constantly is using the signal fire and the idea of getting rescued as an argument against becoming a savage group of people. One example is when they believe that the beast is on top of the mountain and Jack foolishly says that he is going to go and kill it, but Ralph realizes that this is just distracting them from getting rescued and states, â€Å"Hasn’t anyone got any sense? We’ve got to relight that fire. You never thought of that, Jack, did you? Or don’t any of you want to be rescued?† (102). Ralph is kept moral and fair by continually bringing up the topic of the signal fire and being rescued. When Jack leaves the tribe with most of the others, Ralph, wondering how they are going to keep the fire going, ponders out loud, â€Å"We can’t keep the fire going. And they don’t care. And what’s more †¦ I don’t sometimes. Suppose I got like the others ––– not caring. What’ud become of us?â €  (139). Ralph realizes that if he gives up on the fire, like Jack and his tribe did, then he would be no better than  them, evil and violent. Ralph, although it is extremely hard, maintains his connection to society and perseveres through the difficult times. Ralph, for the entire length of the book, upholds society’s values and, as a result, never falters from being good.Golding uses the characters in the novel Lord of the Flies to conclude that if not countered by the ways of society, the true evil nature of man will reveal itself. Jack and Roger are among the first to realize that they are free of society, and in turn, they turn evil. Ralph holds on to society and its morals, allowing him to continue being good. Jack and Roger are used to demonstrate that without society man will revert back to its evil nature, and Ralph is used to illustrate that as long as man is still connected with society, he will remain a good human being. The concept that mankind’s innate dispositions are evil and that it needs society to be good is a bit exaggerated in the novel, considering that two boys were murdered and most of the boys turned very sadistic. However, there are still many examples of this theme in the real world, ranging in severity. The most explicit example is law enforcement, which will punish a criminal, by prison or other means, if they do anything illegal or against the formal rules of society. Some people will hurt, steal, and even kill for certain reasons because they have some evil tendencies, but law enforcement and society’s rules keeps many people from doing so because they know the consequences. A more basic example of this idea that society keeps people good, is a person’s own life. A person grows up with friends and family who have a certain set of morals and standards that greatly impact one’s decisions. From a young age, a child is taught not to tease, harm, or steal from other people by his family and friends. A young child, until about age four, will not listen to the adults but instead will do whatever they want to do, even if it is evil, because the child has not had enough time to understand what is acceptable in society. Once the child starts to grasp the idea of society’s expectations, through maturity and discipline, the child can then act appropriately in society and, consequently, be a good human being. As long as the child and people in general, are influenced by society, their evil inner nature will not be revealed. 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Writers By: Rachel Sheller | January 1, 2013 A new year, a new writerly you. New Year’s Day is a time for reflecting on the past year while thinking about the goals, wishes, and hopes for the new year ahead. What does this mean for your writing goals? Maybe 2013 is the year you finish your novel. Maybe it’s the year you commit to a sustainable writing habit. Or maybe it’s the year you get published. To start the New Year right, here are five resolutions you can make to improve your writing, focus yourself, and achieve your publishing goals. Pick one to start, or dive in with all five. The result will be the best writing year you’ve had yet. 1. I resolve to †¦ make time for writing. Writers hear this all the time: If you want results, you have to apply butt to chair and just †¦ write. But it isn’t that simple, is it? Most of us have jobs, kids, chores, and other outside interests that take away from our writing time, and there are only 24 hours in the day. And most of us also need to sleep. But there’s always time to write. Excuses are easy to make (and there are many responsibilities to which we must attend) but most, if not all of us, have at least one hour of quiet time a day to devote to our writing. Think about it this way: If you’re able to write even 500 words in an hour, and you write for one hour a day, you’ll have written about 15,000 words in a month. And even if only 50% of those words are usable, if you keep up the habit for a year, you’ll have written 90,000 words. And that, my friend, is a novel. And don’t think that writing time means just typing words–any words–into a blank Word docume nt. Outlining, research, and writing exercises are also great ways to spend your writing time, because they are moving you toward your writing goals. 2. I resolve to †¦ embrace my personal writing style. We’ve heard the debate for years. It’s probably spanned millenia. The debate to which I refer, is, of course, that of outliners vs. â€Å"pantsers.† Whether you consider yourself an Outliner or a Pantser (non-outliner) doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you fully embrace your method of writing. There is merit to both styles, and there are pitfalls, too. Knowing the pros and cons of both camps of thought will aid your writing. (And if you haven’t decided whether you’re more of a planner or a non-planner, I encourage you to try both methods and see which one you prefer.) Outliners are often more  organized, but their rigid structures sometimes get in the way of lightning rod flashes of creativity. Their works often need less major editing or structural work (but not always!) and they tend to â€Å"know where they’re going† from the first page to the last. Pantsers are much freer in their writing methodology, preferring to â€Å"make it up as they go† rather than adhere to a strict outline that they write ahead of time. They often find surprises as they write, and they also tend to feel less inclined to â€Å"stick to a plan† †¦ because they don’t necessarily have one. Their works sometimes suffer structurally, or meander in places where they didn’t know how to further the plot, but they are also often incredibly innovative and creative. I’ll say it again: There is nothing wrong with being either a Pantser or an Outliner. Both will get the job done. Wherever you fall in the spectrum, be aware of both the advantages and disadvantages of your method, and work accordingly. 3. I resolve to †¦ self-edit as I write. Don’t confuse self-editing with that niggling voice of doubt in your head that screams What the heck are you doing?! There’s no feasible way that will work! Do yourself a favor and silence that voice right now. Self-editing is different. It’s a method of revising as you write in order to produce a cleaner manuscript that requires less revision on the back end. It prevents larger structural issues later on, as well as issues of characterization, plot, and pacing. While it does slow down your writing output, the result is a better and clearer first draft that will have fewer problems to solve during revision. While you can learn bits and pieces about self-editing on this site (such as this post on 4 great ways to revise as you write), no one instructs this method better and more fully than James Scott Bell. If you’re resolving to self-edit more efficiently in 2013, Revision and Self-Editing for Publication, 2nd Edition has all you need to know about the self -editing process. 4. I resolve to †¦step outside my comfort zone. Some of us are fiction writers and aspiring novelists. Some of us are memoirists. Some of us are freelancers. Some of us are a combination of all of these, in varying degrees. But all of us have a comfort zone, and if we stay within it too long, we risk stagnation. So resolve to step outside of your comfort zone. Experiment with styles and voices that you’re not used  to. Emulate authors that you don’t normally read. Read books that you wouldn’t normally pick up off the shelf. If you’re strictly a fiction writer, branch out into the world of freelance articles, where science and special interest articles provide great fodder for new stories. Or, if you’re a nonfiction writer, study plot, structure, voice, and pacing, all of which will help you write tightly wound, concise pieces with distinct tones. My point is that we all get stuck in a rut from time to time. Actively finding ways to get unstuck is the mark of a great writer. 5. I resolve to †¦ call myself a writer. This may be the most important resolution you make for 2013. You may consider yourself a writer; you may not. You may think you just dabble in this stuff, and that it may work out for you in the end, but maybe not. But writing isn’t a short journey, at least not for most of us. It’s a lifetime of work. It’s often hinged on the culmination of sweat, blood, and tears. It takes a tremendous amount of effort to reap rewards, and it’s a bit of a cruel mistress, too. Start calling yourself a writer. Then ask yourself why. Acknowledging your writerly status is one thing; living it is another. One of my favorite musings on why we choose to be writers comes from Larry Brooks, in his book Story Engineering. I encourage you to print it out, tape it into your writing journal, and flip to it from time to time, especially when you’re feeling discouraged. Remind yourself why you’re a writer, and why you call yourself one. It will be a tremendous help in the 365 days ahead, and beyond. We are lucky. Very lucky. We are writers. Sometimes that may seem more curse than blessing, and others may not regard what we do with any more esteem or respect than mowing a lawn. To an outsider this can appear to be a hobby, or maybe a dream that eludes most. But if that’s how they view you, they aren’t paying enough attention. If you are a writer–and you are if you actually write–you are already living the dream. Because the primary reward of writing comes from within, and you don’t need to get published or sell your screenplay to access it. †¦Whatever we write, we are reaching out. We are declaring that we are not alone on this planet, and that we have something to share, something to say. Our writing survives us, even if nobody ever reads a word of it. Because we have  given back, we have reflected our truth. We have mattered.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Disability in Sports

Sports for persons with disabilities are described using the disability element and not using the sporting/athlete element as is usually common in traditional sports. For example, in a sporting activity like volleyball there may be more than one team for the same gender and age category due to the different divisions created to cater for the varied degrees of disabilities. Even so, this does not mean that sports for persons with disabilities are inferior to those practiced by their counterparts without disabilities.In fact, the core tasks of organization, management, officiating, competing, and development of the sports for persons with disability are more or less similar to those carried out in their colleagues without disabilities. They are all run by international bodies that do similar tasks of identifying, nurturing, funding, and developing talent just as in the case with traditional sports. For example, the management of the game of Tennis for persons with disabilities sport is carried out by the International Tennis Federation.Persons with disabilities are accorded equal opportunities to compete at the international level during major global sporting meetings. For instance, the â€Å"Paralympics Game, Special Olympics World Games, and the Deaflympics Games† (p. 136) are the three major global sporting events that brings together competitors from all parts of the world. Again, sports for persons with disabilities are organized into summer and winter to allow for proper preparation as well as not to coincide with other global events.Basically, the underlying idea on sports for persons with disabilities, particularly the global tournaments is to explore the various abilities and reward them. The Paralympics Games are generally meant for professional athletes with one or multiple disabilities to compete. Disabilities here can be taken to include cerebral palsy, amputation, visual impairment, and dwarfs among other types of disabilities. On the other h and, Special Olympics form a relatively smaller outing for persons with disabilities.This event covers a wide range of disabilities that touches on cognitive and developmental with the main aim being not to compete for winning wards but to just to take part in the event. Generally, the rules applied here are more or less similar to those applied in traditional sports with minor modifications made to cater for specific disabilities. Deaflympics Games are more or less similar to the Paralympics only that they specifically deal with Deaf athletes.Perhaps another very important aspect of disability sports is the coaching part of it. Given their physically challenged nature, persons with disability may find it very hard committing themselves to sports. In this regard coaches working with persons with disabilities should be highly qualified and most importantly motivated individuals capable of providing both sport-specific training as well as psychological mindset to the athletes.Unfortun ately, this is not always the case with many athletes – some do not have access to coaching facilities while others access ill-prepared coaches who end up not helping them. Essentially, coaches should be professionally trained people, probably retired disability sports athletes who can understand and diagnose varied remedies for disability sports athletes. Ideally, they should be very listening so as to notice any change in attitudes among their trainees and make the necessary adjustments in training.They should also liaise with the necessary medical practitioners to have the disabilities checked to avoid cases of strain or even under training. Most importantly, they should complement disability sports-specific training styles with other traditional coaching methods such as use of video tapes for comparative purposes. Due to the bulging number of athletes with disabilities venturing into sports, there has been notable increase in demand for disability sports medicine and trea tment.Essentially, the overall fitness of athletes with disabilities is greatly determined by the nature of training they undertake as well as the medicine or treatment they undergo. Moreover, some of the disabilities demands require careful medical checkups to diagnose any potential health lapses, to prevent future infection and injury, as well as to give overall body care. Such medication should be closely linked to normal training particularly to the affected body parts.Athletes with disabilities require a great deal of equipments to perform to their optimum. Apart from the normal sports equipments utilized in traditional sports, disability sports require complex and expensive activity-specific equipments without which the activity cannot take place. Amputees taking part in wheelchair basketball may be hindered greatly due to the poor nature of their wheelchairs. Perhaps, this is one of the few areas that bring out the huge difference between traditional and disability sports.Wit h the proliferation of technological innovations, disability sports has been greatly enhanced as new, reliable, and efficient activity-specific equipments are now available. Organizing disability sports involves more or less the usual procedures involved in traditional sport. Basically, the tenets of event management are employed in making disability sports events a success. The whole process is done under the stewardship of the democratically elected management boards, depending on the type of sport being held as well as whether the event is being held at a national or even international level.It involves the forming of planning and organizing committees that are charged with the responsibilities of focusing on critical issues such as booking and preparation of fields to suit the various disability sports activities. Again, the committees’ makes accommodation and transport arrangements, preparation of sport facilities such as fields, courts etc, and coordinates security team s particularly in this era of global terrorism, and works closely with the media people.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Trophic Cascade - Question Sheet - Ecology Example

Trophic Cascade Trophic Cascade Food Chains: Trophic Cascade Questions Answered School Food Chains: Trophic Cascade Questions Answered Trophic cascade is a profound concept relating to ecology. It begins at the top of the food chain and goes all the way to the bottom. An example is when wolves were introduced in Yellowstone National Park in 1995 because wolves often kill other species in order to eat them and those species have eaten other species that are smaller than them. It is all in regards to the food chain and the roles of predator and prey. However, they also give life to many others. The number of deer increasing before 1995 occurred in Yellowstone National Park because wolves had been out of that habitat for over 70 years. The deer had continued to reproduce and there were not enough other species above them on the food chain. Because of this, the population of the deer increased and they had eaten much of the vegetation. The wolves killed some of the deer but then also changed the behavior of the deer an d the places that had lost vegetation started to revive because the wolves had changed them out of that area. The bears also began to kill the baby deer. The wolves changed the course of the river because there was less erosion. More pools formed. The regenerated forest helped to stabilize the banks of the rivers so that there was less erosion and did not collapse. Because of this, the flow of the river was much more on its steady course. The following is a food web of Yellowstone National Park. It includes the roles of each species after the wolves were released back into the park after 70 years. In order to stabilize the ecosystem in the UAE, wild hyenas were reintroduced. The rare animal was endangered and one female was found on Sir Bani Yas Island. Seeing the female had a young litter, it was obvious that there was a male too though it was not found. The young were raised in captivity. They were then relocated back to the island in 2008 in order to control the population of an telopes and gazelles because the other top predator on the island was the cheetah. Hyenas feed on the carcasses too so if there happened to be an antelope or gazelle that had fallen sick, the hyenas would be able to prey on these animals and continue to keep the population healthy by eliminating the sick animals from the island.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Point Sample Method of Timber Cruising

The Point Sample Method of Timber Cruising Ed. Note: The first essential step toward selling timber or timberland is an inventory. It is a necessary step which enables the seller to set a realistic price on both the wood and the land. The inventory and methods used to determine volumes are also used between sales to make silvicultural and management decisions. Here is the equipment you need, the cruising procedure and how to calculate the cruise. This report is based on an article written by Ron Wenrich. Ron is a sawmill consultant and has extensive knowledge on how to inventory your forest using the point sampling method. All links included were chosen by the editor. Equipment For a timber cruise, other equipment besides the angle gauge will be needed. Some like to do a systematic cruise where plots are taken at regular intervals throughout the stand. In addition to an angle gauge, a compass, and a property map, something to accurately determine diameter should be taken along. Plots Each plot will represent a 1/10 acre sample. Its a good idea to do a 10% sample and take point samples at 200 ft intervals. This is a little better than a 10% cruise, but it is easy to plot on a map and is easy to locate on the ground. For a 10% sample, every acre will need 1 plot. A 5% cruise can be taken by taking point samples at 300 ft intervals. There is no need to run cruise lines through fields or other treeless areas. It is also best to cruise when leaves are not a factor - spring and fall are best. Each plot will take about 5 to 10 minutes to locate and record, depending on conditions of both the area and the cruiser. Paces For point location, use a compass and pace system. But before starting it is important to know how many paces you take to make 100 ft. To do this, measure 100 ft on a level surface. Simply walk the distance to find how many paces it takes to complete 100 ft. (some people use 66 ft. or a chain to compute their grid using a chain length). When pacing it is important to remember that you are measuring level distances. On slopes, you will have to take a few more paces to find your level point. The more severe the slope, the more paces that are necessary. Brushy conditions will also make it necessary to slip a few paces, since your gait will be altered. Walking downhill will cause your gait to be longer, so not as many paces will be needed to compensate as walking uphill. Accuracy is not a factor in plot location, so if youre off, it wont impact your results. Point Samples Before the cruise, you will need to establish where your points are to be placed. Make a map of the property or you can use aerial photos. From a known starting point that can be found on the ground, start to run north-south and east-west lines in a grid at every 200 ft. for a 10% sample. Where the lines intersect is where the point samples are to be taken. Successive plots do not have to be all in one line. Turning to get a plot is helpful and should be used where there are natural obstacles, such as wet areas, etc. For the actual cruise, it may be useful to take some sort of staff along to keep track of your plot center. Ribbon can also be used. I always take it down when done with the plot. Cruising Starting at your known point, run your line to your first point. Along the way, you can mark on your map, anything that is of notice, such as a stream, road, fence, or timber type change. This will help if you are making a type map or are writing a management report. At the first point, take your angle gauge and count the number of trees that fall into your plot. For each plot, take note of each counted tree by species, diameter, and merchantable height. Diameters should be tallied by 2 diameter classes. Tree form may also be noted. Any pertinent information should be noted before moving on to your next plot. Also note any trees that you would remove at each point. This can be used as a preliminary cruise for harvesting. Keep each plot information separate. After all the lines are run, you will have a complete map of your property. Just connect where roads, fences and other occurrences intersect. Ronald D. Wenrich is a sawmill management consultant from Jonestown, Pennsylvania, USA. This Penn State graduate has logged timber, inspected treated forest products, been a mill foreman, procured wood, and is now a sawmilling specialist and consultant.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

How the Associated Press News influences US and how they are playing a Research Paper

How the Associated Press News influences US and how they are playing a role in the Globalized World - Research Paper Example Various organizations participate and have actually influenced how globalization impacts various parties. The media as an industry has been a key player in the transfer of information from one part of the world to another or the rest of the world. The Associated Press is one organization that enjoys international presence with a remarkable resource and customer base to its advantage in fulfilling its mission. This paper will focus on analyzing how the Associated Press News influences the United States of America and how the organization impacts the globalized world. Historical Background and Operating Logistics of the Associated Press The Associated Press (AP), formally New York Associated Press (NYAP), is a news agency that is owned and mainly operated by Americans, established in 1846. The organization was formed by five individual dailies based in New York with an aim of sharing the costs associated with transmitting news. The five daily newspapers that founded AP include New York Sun (the actual originator of the idea), the Express, the Herald, Journal of Commerce, and Courier and Enquirer. Other dailies that joined the five with time included the Tribune (1849) and The New York Times (1851). At the time of its establishment, AP needed to transmit news of the Mexican War, and this was supposed to be accomplished by the use of telegraph, boat and horse express services. In a Supreme Court case, in 1900, involving the Associated Press and Inter Ocean Publishing Company, it was ruled that the former was a public utility that was operating in trade restraint, a factor that led the organization to shift its base to New York from Chicago. This reason for the shift was because corporation laws in New York better favored cooperative organizations. Under the leadership of Melville Stone, the organization’s standards included impartiality, integrity and accuracy. Later, Kent Cooper came to establish news bureaus in the Middle East, South America and Europe. St one oversaw the introduction of the telegraph typewriter in newsrooms. The organization later started using the Wirephoto network that made it possible to transmit photographs within 24 hours from the time they were taken via telephone lines. In 1945, AP began broadcasting its news by distributing them to established radio stations. In 1974, the organization established a radio network for itself. Later in 1994, the organization started using APTV, an agency that worked at gathering global news on video. The organization saw the formation of APTN whose aim was to provide video to websites and international broadcasters. AP has managed to diversify its capabilities to an extent that in 2007 alone, its revenues from US newspapers only accounted for about 30% of its total earnings. In the same year, 18% of the organizations revenues were derived from photography and international newspapers, 15% from internet related ventures and 37% from global broadcast activities. According to the n ews agency, AP is a non-profit organization that is owned by 1500 United States daily newspaper members (Associated Press, 2011). The Associated Press has an admirable resource base, mainly in the form of news articles and features. No wonder its news has previously been published or republished by over 5000 radio and TV broadcasters and